The Rutgers Institute for Law and Philosophy, based at the Rutgers School of Law-Camden, will host a two-day symposium on Nobel Laureate Amartya Sen's The Idea of Justice (Harvard 2009) on Friday April, 15th and Saturday, April 16th 2011.  The conference will feature six presentations on Sen's recent book and its themes by leading figures in political philosophy:  David Estlund (Brown), Samuel Freeman (Penn), Gerald Gaus (Arizona), Erin Kelly (Tufts), Henry Richardson (Georgetown), and Debra Satz (Stanford). Professor Sen will also attend. The symposium's proceedings will be published in a special issue of the Rutgers Law Journal.  Schedule and registration details appear after the fold.


Friday, April 15th

Session 1, 9:30-11am (Samuel Freeman, moderated by John Oberdiek)

Coffee Break, 11-11:15am

Session 2, 11:15am-12:45pm (Erin Kelly, moderated by Kimberly Ferzan)

Lunch, 12:45-2pm

Afternoon Break, 2-4pm

Session 3, 4-5:30pm (David Estlund, moderated by Melissa Yates)

Reception, 5:30-6:30pm


Saturday, April 16th

Session 4, 9:30-11am (Henry Richardson, moderated by Alec Walen)

Coffee Break, 11-11:15am

Session 5, 11:15am-12:45pm (Gerald Gaus, moderated by Doug Husak)

Lunch, 12:45-2pm

Afternoon Break, 2-4pm

Session 6, 4-5:30pm (Debra Satz, moderated by Gerardo Vildostegui)

Concluding remarks, 5:30-6pm


Registration and Lodging:

Attendees must register.  The registration fee is $25 ($10 for students).  Rutgers faculty and students may attend for free.  To register, please send a check payable to Rutgers University to:

Prof. John Oberdiek
Institute for Law and Philosophy
Rutgers School of Law-‹Camden
217 N. 5th St.
Camden, NJ 08102

For more information, please contact John Oberdiek at

The Rutgers Institute for Law and Philosophy has reserved a block of rooms at the Hotel Palomar in Philadelphia's Rittenhouse Square neighborhood ( at a conference rate. Please contact the Hotel Palomar directly for reservations.


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