Thanks to Iskra Fileva’s and Olivia Bailey’s suggestion, we are happy to have PEA Soup host sessions that had been scheduled for the now-cancelled Pacific APA. These include colloquia, symposia, and author-meets-critics sessions in moral and/or political philosophy, broadly construed to include agency & responsibility. We will post the main paper(s) and any comments, and then the authors can fight it out in the comments section, along with any other interested readers. We hope this will provide a forum in which lots of people will get a chance to read your work and discussions, in a way that also ought to thoroughly justify including it on your CV. We will also NOT schedule these simultaneously! Perhaps chairs of sessions could take the lead in organizing these with their authors, or some authors may contact us directly as well.
If you are interested, here is what to do: 1) figure out who in your APA panel wants to participate, 2) collect the documents from those who want to participate, 3) decide on three dates that would work for your group to have the thing posted on Soup, 4) send an e-mail to David Shoemaker (dshoemakr AT gmail DOT com) or David Sobel (davidsobel3 AT gmail DOT com), with shareable links to both documents, an abstract of the main paper that we can publish, and the 3 suggested dates for your event, and, most importantly, 5) sit back and wait for the philosophical glory to come.