The 7th annual Workshop for Oxford Studies in Political Philosophy will take place in Syracuse, NY, August 21-3, 2019.

Keynote speakers will be:

Kwame Anthony Appiah, NYU

Sally Haslanger, MIT

Joseph Raz, Columbia

We invite submissions of full papers (not abstracts) of between 7500 and 12000 words, including footnotes, to fill the remaining slots for the conference.

Papers should be fully anonymized. Papers that are not fully anonymized will not receive consideration. Only one submission per person. Submissions are due by March 20th, 2019. Papers can be submitted via the OSPP web page at:

One of the papers presented at the workshop will be awarded the Marc Sanders Prize in Political Philosophy. The Prize includes a financial award of $10,000. The Marc Sanders Prize is a biennial essay competition open to scholars who, at the time of the submission deadline, are within fifteen (15) years of receiving a Ph.D. or are students currently enrolled in a graduate program. Independent scholars may also be eligible and should direct inquiries to the Editors of Oxford Studies in Political Philosophy, c/o David Sobel ( To learn more: The Marc Sanders Foundation.

Further information about the workshop, and Oxford Studies in Political Philosophy more generally, can be found at the website mentioned above. To reduce spam submissions (alas a problem), you will first have to create an account. Once the account is approved, you can upload your submission. Registration to attend the workshop is free and open to the public but required for attendance. We regret that funding for conference related expenses is unavailable.

We anticipate informing submitters if their papers are accepted for the conference by June 20th,2019. Submission is taken to imply that the submitter will present the paper at the Workshop if it is accepted, and that the paper will be submitted to the resulting volume of Oxford Studies in Political Philosophy. Papers accepted for the Workshop are given serious consideration for inclusion in the resulting volume but will be refereed and are not assured publication.

We would greatly appreciate your forwarding this information to colleagues and/or graduate students in your department, and to any other philosophers you believe might be interested in participating in or attending the Workshop.

2 Replies to “CFP: Workshop for Oxford Studies in Political Philosophy

  1. Dear David, thanks very much for sharing this information. Would it be OK to submit a paper that is under consideration with a Journal at the time of submission? Thanks again.

  2. SN,

    Thanks for asking. I should have addressed this issue more clearly. Submission to OSPP is taken to imply the paper is not under consideration elsewhere.

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