Applications are invited from current advanced doctoral students and recent PhD graduates/early career scholars to participate in a workshop on current issues in coercion, to be held on the campus of the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, March 25-26, 2017.  This workshop occurs at the culmination of a SSHRC-funded project on “The Regulation of Coercion,” led by Scott Anderson of the University of British Columbia.  The workshop will feature the participation of and work by leading experts on coercion, including:

Michael Blake, U Washington
AJ Julius, UCLA
Niko Kolodny, UC Berkeley
Diana Tietjens Meyers, U Connecticut
Arthur Ripstein, U Toronto
Mathias Risse, Harvard
Laura Valentini, London School of Economics
Ekow Yankah, Cardozo School of Law

A syllabus of papers by the above participants and several others will be circulated in advance of the workshop, and all participants are expected to read the papers prior to attendance.  There will be no formal presentations or reading of papers at the workshop, in order to maximize time for discussion.  Participants are asked to be available to participate for the whole duration of the workshop (all day Saturday, March 25, and the morning of Sunday, March 26.)

Topics likely to be discussed at the workshop include:

  •  The concept and definition of coercion
  • Coercion and moral responsibility
  • Coercion, justice, and the state
  • Coercion and immigration/citizenship
  • Applied philosophical issues involving coercion

In order to ensure that emerging scholars are able to gain from this event, spaces have been reserved in this workshop for a small number of current PhD students and recent PhD graduates whose work relates to coercion and associated issues in ethics and social and political philosophy.  Successful applicants will have their expenses paid for transportation, accommodation, and meals during the two-day workshop.  (Details of these arrangements will be provided on request.)  There is no expectation for applicants to submit a paper or make a presentation during the workshop, but if you have work that might be of interest to the topics of the workshop, it will be considered for inclusion on the list of readings.

To apply to participate in the workshop, please send a message stating your interest to scott dot anderson (*at*) ubc dot ca, including the following information:

  1. Name, current and recent institutional affiliation(s), date of PhD expected or completed.
  2. A brief statement of up to 400 words explaining the relevance of coercion in your philosophical work, and/or the relevance of your work to thinking about the topic of coercion.
  3. A current CV (an informal or abbreviated CV from current graduate students is fine).
  4. If you have a piece of your writing you think might be suitable for discussion at the workshop, or that is relevant for understanding your interest in the topic of the workshop, you may send it as well (papers in draft form are perfectly acceptable for this purpose).  Submission of such writing is optional, however.
  5. The location from which you would be traveling here (as the cost of transportation may be a consideration outside for applications from outside of Canada or the U.S.).

We will make every effort to accommodate applicants requiring special arrangements to be able to attend; everyone who is interested is encouraged to apply regardless of such requirements.

Please submit your application for participation by Monday, January 30.  Invitations to accepted participants will be made as soon after this date as is feasible.  Questions about this workshop may also be directed to scott dot anderson (*at*) ubc dot ca.

Please encourage any likely interested persons to apply to this workshop.

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