The next phase of PEA Soup is here.  As
of this announcement, Dan Boisvert, Doug Portmore, and Josh Glasgow are
stepping down from their posts as co-editors of PEA Soup with Dave
Shoemaker.  Going forward, the blog will be run by Dave Shoemaker and
David Sobel.

Those of us stepping down want to take this chance to thank everyone–contributors, commentators, participants in the
Ethics-at-PEA-Soup discussions, and everyone else who is part of
the PEA Soup family–for making the blog such a great place.  This June
will kick off the tenth year of its existence, and when we started so
many years ago, the four of us couldn't have
predicted that such a wonderful community would take root here.  We are
thrilled that this blog has become a valuable site for those working in
ethics and cognate areas. 

We are also grateful to Shoemaker and Sobel for taking things over from here, and we look forward to the next era at PEA Soup.

Dan, Doug, and Josh

7 Replies to “PEA Soup 2.0

  1. Thanks to Dan, Doug and Josh for all their hard work on the blog. It’s a great achievement.
    I guess the new version should be called PEA Soup DS.

  2. Thanks so much to Dan, Doug, Josh, and Dave for creating and sustaining Pea-Soup these many years. It is a great achievement and I and many, many others have benefitted from the existence of a place to try out one’s own not fully formulated ideas and to hear others do the same. I have always loved this venue and am so grateful to the Fantastic 4 for their work on Pea-Soup.
    I hope Shoemaker and I can continue the proud tradition. We have ideas for some changes here that we hope to be in a position to announce before too long. Stay tuned for that. But for now I would like to again thank Dan, Doug, Josh, and Dave and doubly thank Dave for being willing to stay on and be co-editor with me.

  3. Great job, Dan, Doug and Josh. I’m glad that you will finally now be able to spend some time with your families.

  4. Thanks for all the work you must have put into the Blog Dan, Doug, Josh, and Dave! It was a great productive procrastination outlet during graduate school (or so I told myself) and it is nice to see how it has substantively added to the academic discourse.

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