We are thrilled to welcome Nomy Arpaly and Timothy Schroeder to PEA Soup! Nomy, whose research interests include ethics, moral psychology, action theory, metaethics, and free will, is Professor of Philosophy at Brown University. She is the author of Merit, Meaning,and Human Bondage: An Essay on Free Will (Princeton U.P., 2006) and Unprincipled Virtue (Oxford U.P., 2002). Tim is Associate Professor of Philosophy at Ohio State University. He works broadly in the areas of moral psychology and philosophy of mind and is author of Three Faces of Desire (Oxford, U. P., 2004).  His current project is tentatively titled Reasons from Atoms. It's wonderful to have you both aboard!

6 Replies to “Welcome Nomy Arpaly and Timothy Schroeder!

  1. Readers will be interested to know that Nomy and Tim are also well-along on on co-authored book project, “In Praise of Desire,” which I’m really excited about.

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