APRIL 22-24, 2010


Ethics and aesthetics share a
long history and often a common fate, largely because they both involve
subjective values that still lay claim to some measure of objectivity. 
Each field studies the relations among judgments, emotional states,
representational states, art, rationality, motivation, behavior,
history, language, ontology, and culture.  The symposium — with
participants from philosophy, neuroscience, cognitive science, and
related fields — will focus on how neuroscience is contributing to
these studies and, in turn, how ethics and aesthetics are contributing
to neuroscience.

R.S.V.P. Michael Kelly: mjkelly1@uncc.edu
Funded by the National Science Foundation (award # 0726341)

For more information, click here.

Schedule Below the Fold

THURSDAY, April 22

4:30-6:30pm  Introduction and Discussion of Readings

FRIDAY, April 23

9:00-10:15      Steven QUARTZ (Philosophy, California Institute of Technology)
10:30-11:45    Liane YOUNG (Brain and Cognitive Sciences & Philosophy, MIT)
11:45-1:30      Lunch
1:30-2:45       Jesse PRINZ (Philosophy, CUNY Graduate School)
3:00-3:45       Ed VESSEL (Center for Brain Imaging, New York University)
3:45-4:30       Gabrielle STARR (English, New York University)
4:30-5:30       Ed VESSEL (Center for Brain Imaging, New York University) & Gabrielle STARR (English, New York University)

SATURDAY, April 24

9:00-11:00  Roundtable

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