The Rutgers Institute for Law and Philosophy is pleased to announce that Margaret Little of Georgetown University will deliver its inaugural annual Lecture in Law and Ethics on Thursday, March 5th at 12:30pm, entitled "Intimate Assistance: Re-Thinking Abortion in Law and Morality."  The Lecture is free and open to the public and will take place at the Rutgers School of Law-Camden.

Professor Little is an Associate Professor in the Philosophy Department at Georgetown University and a Senior Research Scholar at Georgetown's Kennedy Institute of Ethics, a think-tank specializing in bioethics. She did graduate work in philosophy at Oxford, Princeton, and Berkeley and came to Georgetown after two years' teaching at Bryn Mawr College. Her work falls predominately under the broad umbrella of ethics, focusing on moral particularism, moral epistemology, motivation, and feminist bioethics. Professor Little co-edited a collection of essays entitled Moral Particularism in 2000, she is finishing a book on abortion entitled Compelling Intimacy: Abortion, Law, & Morality, and she is beginning work on a new book on feminism, moral theory, and bioethics, all with Oxford University Press. 

The Lecture in Law and Ethics, sponsored by the Rutgers Institute for Law and Philosophy, will be an annual public lecture featuring a leading scholar who works at the lively intersection of law and moral philosophy. We are delighted that Professor Margaret Little will be the inaugural speaker in the series. 

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