The Program on Ethics and Public Life at Cornell University invites applications to the Philosophers at Risk Visiting Scholar Fellowship for the academic year of 2022-23.

The visiting position is for a duration of 2–4 months, anytime during the academic year at Cornell. The fellowship provides air-travel expenses; a stipend of $7,000–$9,000 (depending on duration of stay); assistance with US visa application; full access to library and other scholarly resources at Cornell; and other, informal, academic assistance as may be needed. The visiting fellow will be hosted by the Sage School of Philosophy at Cornell.

Cornell University is a member of the Scholars at Risk Network, an organization that was established to protect scholars and promote academic freedom.

Who may apply

Application is open to any scholar with a PhD working in philosophy, who is:

  • at serious risk of political, ethnic, or religious harassment or persecution in their country of residence
  • a refugee or in danger of having to emigrate for political or safety reasons
  • at risk in their life or work due to persecution or violence of any kind

The applicant’s field of research has to be in philosophy, broadly construed. The fellowship neither prioritizes nor excludes any method, sub-field, or tradition in philosophy.

More info:

3 Replies to “Philosophers at risk visiting scholar

  1. o library and other scholarly resources at Cornell; and other, informal, academic assistance as may be needed. The visiting fellow will be hosted by the Sage School of Philosophy at Cornell.

  2. You capture my interest and make me want to learn more! I can see you’ve been putting in some work! You’ve progressed tremendously! Your ability to think critically about these issues. I’m influenced by the way you approach your articles and the effort you put into them. You went above and beyond with your suggestions. You’re doing a good job with your tasks and role. Keep up the excellent work.

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