We’ve got a few openings here at the Soup for interested and energetic folks. The first is to be a liaison with Ethics. Chike Jeffers, who has been partnered with Daniel Star on this enterprise for several years now, just stepped down, so we’re looking for someone interested in working with Daniel going forward in arranging discussion forums on two articles per year. If that’s you, please contact Sobel and me (davidsobel3ATgmailDOTcom and dshoemakrATgmailDOTcom).

I’m also happy to report that we have just signed on with two more journals, Ethical Theory & Moral Practice, and the Journal of Social Ontology. We will arrange discussion forums on articles that their publishers will make open access, and we are looking for people to be our liaisons to each journal. If you are interested in being in charge of either, please let us know.

Finally, if you work in the area of applied ethics or normative ethics, we invite you to contact us about the possibility of being in charge of our month-long prize competition for blog posts on those topics (in, respectively, April and July).

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