The DePauw University Philosophy department and The Janet Prindle Institute for Ethics invite 3-4 early-career philosophers to give an ethics-related Campus Talk and participate in a Paper Workshop November 12, 2019. See official link here. Deadline for submission: August 1, 2019.


Campus Talk

Each talk should be a 15-minute, introductory-style presentation geared towards an undergraduate audience with a limited background in philosophy. The talk should be on an ethics topic. Each philosopher will offer a 5-minute response to one of the other presentations. At the time of the deadline (August 1, 2019), in addition to a Workshop Paper and Workshop Paper abstract, an abstract of the proposed campus talk must be submitted. However, it need only be an abstract of the proposed campus talk.

Workshop Paper

The invited philosophers will also workshop a research paper with the other selected speakers, submission referees from institutions outside of DePauw University, and the DePauw University Philosophy Faculty. The workshop paper topic is open. The workshop paper and campus talk abstract do not need to be related.


Submission Guidelines

We are currently accepting submissions for the Fall 2019 Young Philosophers Lecture Series. You must submit your workshop paper and an abstract of your proposed campus talk. If your submission is selected, we will contact you for more information concerning your public talk and response.

Submit your workshop paper and public talk abstract via this form. If the form is not working, please contact Dr. Jessica Mejía ( or Christiane Wisehart (

Your submission must include:

  • Workshop paper (3,000 – 4,000 words) – MS WORD or PDF

  • Abstract of workshop paper (max 250 words) – MS WORD or PDF

  • Abstract of proposed campus talk on ethics topic

Please ensure all submitted materials are suitable for ANONYMOUS REVIEW. Do not include any identifying information in your paper or your abstracts.

Who is eligible?

By “Young Philosopher” we mean someone who has received a Ph.D. in philosophy no more than 6 years ago (Fall 2013 – Present). We will also consider submissions from exceptional graduate students who reasonably expect to defend in the Spring or Summer 2020.

When will decisions be made?

If you are selected, you will be notified by August 12, 2019. At that time, you will be asked to submit further details about your Campus Talk: presentation script, notes, slides, handouts, etc. These materials will be due October 15 and will be shared with other selected Young Philosophers in order to prepare 5-minute responses.

Honorarium and Travel

Selected participants will be given a travel stipend and a modest honorarium.


Direct all questions to Dr. Jessica Mejía ( or Christiane Wisehart (

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