We are pleased to remind you about the next PEA Soup Quarterly Topic (with Awards)!! Every third month, from here on out, we will invite submissions from any of our readers for posts on the Soup about a particular topic in moral and political philosophy. Next up: “Normative Ethics July”! We invite you to submit posts of no more than 1000 words, on any topic in normative ethics to David Sobel (davidsobel3ATgmailDOTcom) by  June 31, 2019. We will then vet them and post the best submissions throughout the month. At the end of the month, we will determine the award winners. Top prize is $150. Second place will receive $100. Submitting is taken to imply that the author agrees to respond in a timely way to comments on their post. If your submission is chosen to be posted on Soup, we will be in contact with you to arrange things before the post goes live. Bring it!

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