This is the last call for submissions to the 7th annual Workshop for Oxford Studies in Political Philosophy. Papers are due by the end of the day on March 31. The conference takes place at Syracuse University from Aug 21-23, 2019. Keynote speakers are:

  • Kwame Anthony Appiah, NYU;
  • David Estlund, Brown;
  • Sally Haslanger, MIT.

Send full, anonymized papers. Submission details, and other details, including information about the Sanders Prize in Political Philosophy, here.

One Reply to “CFP: Last call for submissions to the 7th Annual Workshop for Oxford Studies in Political Philosophy”

  1. Wow, what a cool conference! I had better hurry and get my submission in by March 31st and in any case plan to attend this event which is free to all who register (registering will become possible later).

    –Most definitely not David Sobel but rather someone who is quite different and a cool and wise person that we all want to be more like and listen to carefully

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