We are very pleased to announce the all-new PEA Soup Prizes, generously funded by The Janet Prindle Institute for Ethics at DePauw University, totaling over $5,000!! There will be yearly and quarterly prizes awarded. The Yearly Prizes will be announced at the end of January (for the previous year’s posts), and the Quarterly Prizes will be announced shortly after the Featured Months (explained below the fold). These are very generous prizes, aimed at increasing the amount of high-quality content we’ve had the good fortune to have on the Soup for going on 15 years now(!), as well as to encourage more posts and discussion by our official contributors as well as submissions for publication on the blog by those not listed as official contributors. This information will also soon be permanently up under the tab “PEA Soup Prizes” at the top.

Yearly Prizes:

  • Best Discussion Originators (first place, $1,000; second place, $500): For this award category, all discussions of articles (e.g., from Ethics) and book reviews (e.g., from NDPR) during the calendar year are eligible. In the case of article discussions, the award will be split between the article author and the précis author. In the case of a book review discussion, the prize will be split between the book author and the review author. (So there will be four people receiving an award in this category.) Nominations will come from the editors of PEA Soup, and awards will be voted on by the associate editors.
  • Best Original Post (first place, $1,000; second place, $500): Those eligible for this award category include all original posts (and so includes all Featured Philosophers, as well as the authors in various featured series, as well as listed Soup contributors). Nominations by editors, voted on by associate editors.
  • Readers Award: ($500 for top vote-getter): This award goes to the top-read contentful post of the year.
  • PEA Soup Citizen of the Year: ($1,000) This award goes to one of our listed contributors who has provided the most original content during the calendar year, both in terms of new posts and comments. To be determined by the editors.

Quarterly Prizes:

Every third month we will begin to feature content on a particular subdomain in the general field of moral philosophy. In March, we will feature content in normative/meta-ethics; in June, we will feature content in applied ethics; in September, we will feature content in political philosophy; and in December, we will feature content in agency/responsibility. We will invite people, especially grad students and junior faculty, to submit blog posts on the content of those months (limited to 1500 words), which will be vetted. We will then publish the most promising blog posts from those submissions throughout the designated month. The best two posts of the month (as determined by the editorial team) will be awarded prizes (first prize, $200; second prize, $100).

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