Carol Lee Price Scholarships: funding in Montreal for female international students of philosophy.

The Scholarships are specifically intended to attract and support women pursuing graduate studies in philosophy at Concordia University, Montreal. They are restricted to students who would otherwise have to pay international fees. Each scholarship is worth $32,450 CAD; up to three may be awarded each year (with a maximum of two in each category). See here

Requirements (three categories)

The Carol Lee Price MA Scholarship in Human Rights and Social Justice:

Applicants shall have obtained: (1) a BA in Philosophy with high distinction and at least 21 credits (7 courses, or the equivalent in their country of origin, in either law, political science, sociology, economics or cognate disciplines; OR (2) a university degree (BA or higher) with high distinction in law, political science, sociology, economics or cognate disciplines, and at least 21 credits (7 courses), or the equivalent in their country of origin, in philosophy. Acceptable research areas proposed by the applicant for the MA include human rights, social justice, and related questions concerning legal and other social institutions and practices.

The Carol Lee Price MA Scholarship in Logic and Philosophy of Mathematics:

Applicants shall have obtained: (1) a BA in Philosophy with high distinction and at least 21 credits (7 courses), or the equivalent in the country of origin, in Mathematics, OR (2) a BA in Mathematics with high distinction and at least 21 credits (7 courses), or the equivalent in their country of origin, in Philosophy. Acceptable research area topics for the MA are Logic, History and Philosophy of Logic, Philosophy of Mathematics.

The Carol Lee Price MA Scholarship in Ancient Philosophy:

Applicants shall have obtained: (1) a BA in Classics with high distinction and at least 21 credits (7 courses), or the equivalent in the country of origin, in Philosophy; OR (2) a BA in Philosophy with at least 21 credits (7 courses), or the equivalent in the country of origin in Classics. Since study of texts in the original languages is required, applicants are expected to know ancient Greek or Latin. Preference will be given to those who know both languages.

Application Instructions:

Applications for the Carol Lee Price Scholarships should be emailed to:

In addition to the regular admissions application, which consists of providing the official transcripts of all post-secondary schools attended, three letters of reference, and a sample of writing in the range of 2,500-3,750 words (see admission requirements), the applicant shall provide a two-page statement of a research project in one of the following areas: Philosophy of Human Rights, Philosophy of Law, Social and Political Philosophy, Logic, History and Philosophy of Logic; Philosophy of Mathematics; or Greek or Roman Philosophy.

Deadline for Applications: February 1, together with the regular admissions application.

For additional information, please contact our Graduate Program Director, Department of Philosophy, Concordia University, Montreal, at

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