Number 5: Chrisoula Andreou’s “Decisive Reasons and Rational Supererogation

Number 4: David Sobel’s “(Additional) Reasons to Rule Out Initiating Sexual Relationships with Those You Have Power Over

Number 3: NDPR Forum: Jason Brennan’s Against Democracy 

Number 2: By far our most-read original discussion post of the year was Vida Yao’s and Sam Reis-Dennis’s Featured Philosophers’ “‘I Love Women’: The Conceptual Inadequacy of ‘Implicit Bias’.”

Number 1: No surprise, in this year that started out so tragically for moral philosophy, our most-read post of 2017 was our notice of “The Death of Derek Parfit.”

Thanks so much to all of our contributors and readers for a great year discussing Philosophy, Ethics, and Academia (the PEA in PEA Soup). It will be our pleasure to serve more Soup for you in 2018 and beyond. Have a Happy New Year!

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