The Janet Prindle Institute for Ethics at DePauw University is proud to announce the 11th Annual Undergraduate Ethics Symposium. Please pass this call for submissions on to undergraduate students whom you think might would be interested.

The Undergraduate Ethics Symposium will take place from April 19-21, 2018, on the theme of “Representing Disability.”

Click here to visit the submissions page for the Undergraduate Ethics Symposium. Submissions are accepted until February 9, 2018. Food and lodging are covered for all attendees, and travel assistance stipends are also available.
This symposium is highly inter-disciplinary. In addition to traditional analytic essays, we welcome submissions from undergraduate creative writers, artists, and filmmakers. We believe the arts are an important component to the exploration of ethics in society.

Scholars should submit a paper on a topic of ethical inquiry or exploration. Writers, artists and filmmakers may submit a short story, series of poems, short play, short screenplay or short film in which an ethical topic and/or dilemma is central.

The symposium is held at The Janet Prindle Institute for Ethics at DePauw University, located in a 500-acre nature park. Participating undergraduate students attend seminars with visiting scholars and artists and also hear presentations on the symposium’s theme.

Students who are accepted to the symposium will receive free lodging and meals. Need-based assistance is available for travel. Submissions in all areas of ethical inquiry are encouraged and will be accepted using our online submission form below until February 9, 2018.

You can find out more about the symposium and get answers to FAQs on our website. We look forward to receiving submissions from undergraduate students across the U.S.

Keah N. Brown, journalist and Senior Entertainment Writer at Cliche Magazine.
James Emmett, Owner/CEO at James Emmett Corporation, a disability consulting firm
Kevin Timpe, Professor of Philosophy at Calvin College and President of 22 Advocacy, a non-profit advocacy group for children with disabilities

3 Replies to “CFP: 2018 Undergraduate Ethics Symposium at the Prindle Institute for Ethics

  1. I’m glad to see that the theme of this undergraduate philosophy conference is “Representing Disability.” I also appreciate your desire to include members of the broader community, to foster interdisciplinarity, etc. Nevertheless, I would be interested to know why the conference organizing committee did not choose a disabled philosopher to be one of the three keynote speakers for the conference.

    Shelley Tremain

  2. Hi Shelley,

    Thank you for your question. Two of the three keynotes are persons with disabilities. In the theme representing disability we were aiming for a variety of perspectives and a variety of understandings of “representation”.

    1. Keah Brown’s work on representations of persons with disabilities in popular culture. Her focus is on what you might call aesthetic representation.

    2. James Emmett work focuses of representation of persons with disabilities in the workforce, and he does some really great work with large corporations on fostering inclusive environments for persons with disabilities.

    3. Kevin Timpe has a child with a disability and has founded a successful advocacy non-profit. We thought his parent/ally/advocacy perspective would be a good one to have, and he’ll be talking largely about that work. He happens to be a philosopher, but the decision to invite him was largely based on his non-philosophy work.

  3. Hi Andrew,

    I specifically asked why at least one disabled philosopher was not included in the list of keynotes.


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