After considered deliberation, the editors and readers have chosen the recipients of the first annual PEA Soup Awards! This year we gave away over $4,000 in awards to some amazing ideas. The awards are split into four categories: PEA Soup Ideas, for posts that have been published on PEA Soup; Good Citizen Awards, which recognize the most active contributors to the PEA Soup community; the PEA Soup Paper Prize, which recognizes the readers’ and editors’ favorite philosophy papers featured on the site; and the External Online Ethics Prize, which recognizes great philosophy writing elsewhere on the web.

Congratulations to all the winners, and be sure to check out these ideas well worth recognizing.

PEA Soup Ideas Awards

Applied Ethics
First Place: Joshua Knobe, “What Does it Mean to ‘Normalize’ Trump?”
Second Place: Lawrence Blum, “Justice and Equal Opportunity in Higher Education.”

Normative Ethics
First Place: Victor Tadros, “Wrongs and Crimes.”
Second Place: Jussi Suikkanen, “Does the Shape of an Outcome Matter?”

First Place: Eden Lin, “Sophisticated Theories of Welfare.”
Second Place: Reid Blackman, “Roles Ground Reasons; So Internalism is False.”

Political Philosophy
First Place: Jessica Flanigan, “Rational Egalitarianism and Politics.”

Good Citizen Awards

Contributor Award for Audience Engagement
Andrew Forcehimes
Mark Alfano

Contributor Award for Number of Contributions
Brad Cokelet

Top Commentator Award
Sergio Tennenbaum
Dale Miller

Paper Prize

Editors’ Choice
Molly Gardner, “On the Strength of the Reason Against Harming.”

Readers’ Choice
Theron Pummer, “Whether and Where to Give.”

External Online Ethics Prize

First Place: Adam Hosein, “Do Outsiders Have Legal Rights?”
Second Place: Nils-Hennes Stear, “Syrian Refugees and a Bowl of Skittles.”
Honorable Mention: Howard J. Curzer, “Voting Ethics And The Lesser Evil.”
Honorable Mention: Gary Comstock, “You Should Not Have Let Your Baby Die.”

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