Applicants on the academic job market spend thousands of dollars a year to have professional dossier services handle their confidential letters of recommendation. Some of this requires staff involvement: filling out forms, uploading to proprietary sites, etc. But a good deal of it is just sending emails. The only reason a middleperson is necessary is because the emails need to include a confidential attachment.

I am pleased to introduce MARGY [hard ‘g’] (Managing Academic Recommendations Gratis Yay), a FREE automated system for emailing confidential letters of recommendation. Letter-writers upload letters to MARGY’s secure server; applicants tell the system where to email those letters. Confidentiality is maintained via a whitelist; the system will only send letters to email addresses that have been confirmed as being maintained by a relevant hiring entity.

MARGY is currently in beta testing by myself (MARGY’s creator) and co-developer Graham Leach-Krouse. We are looking for people to help with the beta test: to play around with the site and the email system, or to look directly at the source code, and help them debug and increase usability. The more people who help, the faster MARGY can be officially released, and the sooner people can start saving time and money.

We are also looking for donations of server space.

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