HERE and below is the programme for the second New Methods of Ethics conference, which will be held here at the University of Birmingham on the 4th and the 5th of January 2017. The conference is free and open to all, but please book a place by emailing me ( as there are limited places available. Also, thanks for all of those who attended the first conference few weeks ago.

The New Methods of Ethics, Conference 2

Department of Philosophy, University of Birmingham
4-5 January, 2017
G51, ERI Building, University of Birmingham Campus

4 January, Wednesday
13.00-14.15 “Metanormativity as a Method”
Christopher Cowie (Cambridge)

14.30-16.00 “Empirical Psychology and Normative Ethics: How Humean Constructivism Makes Progress”
Keynote Speaker: Valerie Tiberius (University of Minnesota)

16.15-17.30 “The Politics of Objectivity”
James Lenman (University of Sheffield)

18.00-… Drinks and Dinner

5 January, Thursday
9.30-11.00 “Methodology in Ethics without Cartesian Ambitions”
Keynote speaker: Tristram McPherson (Ohio State University)

11.15-12.30 “Viewpoint Diversity and Political Philosophy”
Jessica Flanigan (University of Richmond)

12.30-13.30 Lunch

13.30-15.00 “The Morality of Essentially Interpersonal Values”
Keynote Speaker: Ralph Wedgwood (USC)

15.15-16.30 “Revisionist Metaethics”
Matthew Silverstein (NYU Abu Dhabi)

This conference is funded by the AHRC (as a part of the ‘Building Bridges in Ethics’ project) and the College of Arts and Law at the University of Birmingham. Its purpose is to showcase and discuss some of the most interesting recent work taking part in the new methodological debates in moral philosophy. The conference is open to all, and there is no attendance fee (refreshments will be free, but drinks and dinner will not be included). Because of limited space available, if you intend to attend the workshop, please email Dr Jussi Suikkanen ( to book a place.

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