17th – 19th August 2016

University of Sheffield

Call for Abstracts

The aim of this conference is to explore new and recently initiated lines of inquiry into meta-normative expressivism.

Several slots in our programme are available for short presentations from early career philosophers. We thus invite abstracts of 500-1000 words from graduate students and those who have completed their PhD in the last three years. Submissions must be suitable for 20 minute presentations, which will be followed by ten minutes of Q&A.

We are open to submissions on various issues relating to expressivism. In addition to issues concerning the nature of expressivist theories of moral and practical normativity, we are interested in submissions on epistemic expressivism, aesthetic expressivism, hybrid theories, the nature and prospects of the quasi-realist project, the Frege-Geach problem, and so on.


Please prepare submissions for anonymous review. Submissions must be emailed to sheffield.expressivism@gmail.com by 20th May 2016.

Confirmed Speakers

James Dreier (Brown)

Michael Ridge (Edinburgh)

Ruth Weintraub (Tel Aviv)

James Lenman (Sheffield)

Teemu Toppinen (Helsinki)

Sophie Grace Chappell (Open University)

Neil Sinclair (Nottingham)

Jussi Suikkanen (Birmingham)

Catherine Wilson (York)


Graham Bex-Priestley

Stephen Ingram

This conference is funded by the White Rose College of the Arts and Humanities and the Mind Association.

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