(Posted on Behalf of Nancy Snow)

Request for Proposals: The Self, Motivation & Virtue Project

Marquette University, with a generous grant from the Templeton Religion Trust, is pleased to announce a new research initiative on the topics of the self, motivation, and virtue. Approximately ten research proposals at $190,000 each will be funded through this initiative.

Awards are intended to support research from September 1, 2015 through May 31, 2017 (two academic years and one summer).  Letters of intent are due no later than November 15, 2014.  Full proposals are by invitation only, and are due no later than June 1, 2015.

The grant competition has four primary aims:

  1. To support innovative research on the self, motivation, and virtue.
  2. To encourage methodological innovation in the study of the self, motivation, and virtue.
  3. To encourage interdisciplinary team work, specifically between social science and humanities.
  4. To support scholars new to the investigation of these topics or who have not received funding elsewhere. Research collaborations between younger and more established scholars are especially encouraged.

Research into character and virtue is often conducted by scholars from within a single disciplinary perspective. This disciplinary isolationism is not maximally productive of new knowledge about virtue. To ensure that research funded by this proposal closes the disciplinary gap, successful teams will be comprised of at least one humanist and one scientist who are fully and equally invested in the research project, from its inception to its completion. The aim here is to encourage awardees to think outside of their own disciplinary perspectives, and to broaden their research horizons in ways conducive to creative collaborations and results.

For more information on the Self, Motivation & Virtue Project, and for further information on how to submit a letter of intent, please visit the project website, or write to: smvproject@marquette.edu.



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