A conference, Illuminating Reasons: An Inquiry into the Phenomenology of Moral Experience, will take place October 16-18, 2014 in Tucson, Arizona, featuring prominent scholars from the fields of philosophy and psychology.  The conference is part of a project being conducted by Terry Horgan and Mark Timmons of the University of Arizona, funded by a grant from the John Templeton Foundation.  
The conference will be streamed live, allowing remote viewers to submit questions to speakers.

If you would like to register, either to attend in person or to participate remotely, please visit the conference website here and register. There is no registration fee.  The conference program is posted on the website.
The conference will feature talks by: Robert Emmons (psychology, UC, Davis), Brie Gertler (philosophy, Virginia), Jeanette Kennett (philosophy, Macquarie), Christian Miller (philosophy, Wake Forest), Peter Railton (philosophy, Michigan), Charles Siewert (philosophy, Rice), Eric Schwitzgebel (philosophy, UC, Riverside), June Tangney (psychology, George Mason), and Terry Horgan & Mark Timmons (Arizona).

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