Second Annual Conference — Call For Papers, Submission Deadline: August 1, 2014
The second annual Austin Graduate Ethics and Normativity Talks (AGENT) will take place on October 10-11, 2014 at the University of Texas at Austin. We are pleased to host Professor Ruth Chang (Rutgers) for this year's keynote address. 

We welcome submissions of high-quality papers from graduate students in any area of philosophy related to normativity and value theory broadly construed, including but not limited to: 

Aesthetics, Applied Ethics, Feminist Philosophy, History of Ethics, Political/legal Philosophy, Philosophy of Gender, Philosophy of Race, Philosophy & Disability, Normative Ethics, Metaethics 

In addition, we welcome papers addressing normativity from traditionally "non-normative" subfields such as Epistemology, Metaphysics, Language, Philosophy of Mathematics, Philosophy of Mind. and Philosophy of Science.

We especially encourage submissions in underrepresented areas of philosophy, and from authors from underrepresented backgrounds. 

All submissions must be prepared for blind review. Please submit the following two documents (in .pdf, .docx, .doc, or .rtf format) to with the subject ‘AGENT 2014 submission’. Please use your paper title as the document’s name (e.g., InterestingPaper.pdf). In addition, please include a cover letter with:

1. Paper Title

2. Author’s Name

3. Author’s institution

4. Author’s email

5. Paper Word Count (≤ 4000 words)

6. Abstract (≤ 300 words)

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