The 9th Cologne Summer School in Philosophy (CSSiP) on

“Practical Reasons: Their Metaphysics, Epistemology, and Creation”

will take place in Cologne, September 15–19, 2014. Our special guest this year will be David Enoch (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel). Enoch defends a strong version of normative and moral realism – the view that normative and moral truths are universal, objective, and are discovered rather than constructed. In his lectures, Enoch will first expand on the nature of the debate and underlying motivations for realism. He will then address two main challenges to such a view – namely, the claim that even if there are such reasons or normative truths we have no way of coming to know about them; and worries having to do with normative disagreement. Enoch will conclude with highlighting a way in which even on a realist account, reasons can still be created by us, drawing some more practical lessons. The Summer School mainly aims at professional philosophers and advanced graduate students.

Attendance is free, but limited to 50 participants – to be selected on the basis of motivation and qualification. Online application is possible through May 15. Add a short letter sketching your academic background and your main motivation for participating in the Summer School. If you are interested in giving a brief presentation (approx. 20 minutes) on Enoch’s work, please send along an abstract of up to 1,000 words. We will inform you about the success of your application soon after the deadline.

Apply via email to:

For more information, please visit our website:

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