Arizona State University's newly redesigned PhD in Philosophy features a focus on Practical and Applied Philosophy. Practical Philosophy includes the fields of ethics, aesthetics, philosophy of law, social and political philosophy, and feminist ethics and political philosophy. Applied Philosophy includes both the application of theories developed within any of the sub-disciplines of philosophy to everyday problems or phenomena, as well as the application of research and tools used in other disciplines to understanding and addressing philosophical questions (e.g., experimental philosophy).

We'll be accepting applications for the 2014-2015 academic year with an application deadline of February 15, 2014. And we will have 8 to 9 TAships available. So please encourage your students to apply.

Information about the program and on applying can be found here: Also, students and faculty can contact me at or Tom Blackson, the Director of Graduate Studies, at if they have any questions. You can download the flier here:

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