We are pleased to announce that our next Ethics discussion will be on David Gauthier's new article, "Twenty-Five On."  The article has been made open access here. It is part of a symposium on Gauthier's Morals by Agreement; you might want to check out Christopher Morris's helpful Introduction to the symposium here

Update: We are also very pleased to announce that Susan Dimock, professor of philosophy at York University, will be kicking off the discussion with a critical précis of Gauthier's article.

The discussion
will begin this Thursday, July 18, and proceed in two spurts. Between
July 18-20, you can post your first round of questions and comments.
Gauthier will respond by Wednesday, July 24, at which point a second
round of questions begins (July 24-26). Hope to see many of you joining
the discussion!

4 Replies to “Ethics Discussions at PEA Soup: David Gauthier’s “Twenty-Five On”

  1. Hille, will someone give an official set of comments first, as Tommie Shelby did for the discussion of Chike Jeffers’s paper? Or is Chris Morris’s intro essay in Ethics supposed to serve that purpose?

  2. Hi Jamie, We might still have a precis; but there have been some small bumps in the road in organizing this. My first time doing this — hopefully will go smoother in the future. In any case, yes, the Morris introduction does serve a similar purpose.
    (Many thanks to Morris for agreeing to have his Intro plugged here; and to the Press for making it, in addition to the Gauthier article, open access!)

  3. I just updated the post to include information about a precis; many thanks to Susan Dimock!
    A quick additional note: Christopher Morris helpfully points out that his Introduction might be useful especially to those readers who are familiar mainly with Gauthier’s 1986 book, but not with his later work.

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