This is the 1000th post on PEA Soup—a milestone
that seems a good occasion for reflection on the blog. We would welcome fond
memories of past discussions on the Soup or suggestions for how to improve it.
As the newcomer to Soup, I cannot give enough shout outs to the Fantastic 4
that created and sustained it for its first 9 years: Dan Boisvert, Josh Glasgow,
Doug Portmore, and David Shoemaker. Thanks guys—all of us who have benefitted
from the Soup owe you.

The blog is doing well. We are now averaging over 1000
visits a day. And there are a variety of new initiatives that we are excited
about that are only just starting up. We have significantly expanded the
excellent journals we are partnered with, started up the Featured Philosopher
series, and encouraged our contributors to post a new thread at least once a
year. As you can already see, the blog is becoming more active and there will
be more posts than ever before. 

On this score we can announce that we are now partnered with
the Oxford Studies volumes. Watch for open access to, and high level
discussions of, some of the papers published in those volumes. Happily Kate
Manne and Hille Paakkunainen have agreed to expand their role at the Soup to
include overseeing our partnership with Oxford Studies.

As the blog becomes more crowded it will become more
important to observe the few simple rules for posting we mention under “Instructions
to Contributors”—most importantly give previous substantive posts room to
breathe, at least 24 hours and ideally more, before you initiate a new post and split your post so that only the start of it is seen on the main page so
people can see the other recent posts on the main page as well. Also, check out
the new handy “Calendar of Events” feature at the top of the blog before
posting to make sure you are not posting just as some scheduled event is about
to take place. Finally, please use common sense in avoiding posts that are
mainly self-promoting. If folks announce their latest publication here, the
blog will be overrun and become less interesting.

We are also proud to offer open access to a greatly expanded
number of papers. All of our partnerships (including Ethics, Philosophy and
Public Affairs
, the Oxford Studies volumes, JESP, Philosophers Imprint, and
PPE) will involve open access to the papers that are discussed here. At least
10 excellent papers a year that otherwise would only be available to those with
a subscription will be available here open access (there will be well more than
10 papers discussed here, and all will be available open access, but some will
have already been available free to all via Philosophers’ Imprint and JESP). 

2 Replies to “1000th post at PEA Soup!

  1. Thanks to Josh Glasgow for pointing out that the Calendar of Events thing is not yet working as it should. We hope to have this fixed soon.
    Soup forever, baby!

  2. We think Shoe has managed to solve the problem with the Calendar of Events. If you do not see dates listed in green on the calendar for when various folks will start up a thread, please let us know.

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