The program for the Princeton conference on the topic of Weighing Reasons put together by Errol Lord and Barry Maguire has now been finalized.  The program is below the fold:

Weighing Reasons
A Workshop at Princeton University, in Marx Hall 301

Friday, Nov. 30
9.00-10.30: Stephen Darwall (Yale)
On Making the Hard Problem of Moral Normativity Easier

Chair: Julia Markovits (M.I.T.)

10.45-12.15: Stephen Kearns (FSU) & Daniel Star (Boston University)
Ought and the Weight of Reasons

Chair: Whitney Schwab (Princeton)

1.15-2.45: Kelly Heuer (Georgetown)
Normative Silencing

Chair: John Mumm (Fordham)

3.00-4.30: Ruth Chang (Rutgers)
Weighing Reasons and the Pareto Rule

Chair: Kurt Sylvan (Rutgers)

5.00-6.30: T.M. Scanlon (Harvard)
Reasons and their Strength

Chair: Selim Berker (Harvard)

Evening: Dinner & Drinks, venue tbc.

Saturday, Dec. 1st
10.00-11.30: John F. Horty (University of Maryland)
Weighing Reasons in the Common Law

Chair: Daniel Wodak (Princeton)

11.45-1.15: Joshua Gert (William & Mary)
Theories of Reasons and Dimensions of Normative Weight

Chair: Daniel Fogal (N.Y.U.)

2.15-3.45: Joseph Raz (Oxford / Columbia)
The Weight of Reasons

Chair: Derek Baker (Lingnan University)

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