If you're interested in being a commentator at our upcoming Rocky Mountain Ethics Congress this August in Boulder, Colorado (or if you'd just like to see a preliminary main conference program), please continue reading …


Fourth Annual 

Rocky Mountain Ethics Congress 

University of Colorado, Boulder 
August 4-7, 2011 
Boulder, Colorado 

an international conference geared to offer the highest quality, highest 
altitude discussion of ethics, broadly conceived 

Call For Commentators 

The Center for Values and Social Policy in the Philosophy Department at the 
University of Colorado, Boulder is pleased to invite philosophers to comment 
on main program papers at the fourth annual RoME Congress.  See our 
preliminary main conference program below for a list of selected papers. As 
we finalize this program, we will need to assign commentators to each paper. 
Ideally we'd like to match papers up with experts and critics. That's where 
you come in. 

Anyone with interest in attending the RoME conference is invited to submit a 
letter indicating their interest in commenting. Unfortunately, given the 
vagaries of scheduling, we will not be able to assign commentator slots to 
all who express interest, but instead will do our best to fill the ranks 
with qualified commentators. 

Commentator Expression of Interest Deadline: June 15, 2011. 

Please submit (1) a short expression of interest, (2) your AOS, and (3) your 
(short or long) CV, electronically (in Word format) to the organizers: 
Benjamin Hale (bhale@colorado.edu), Alastair Norcross 
(Alastair.Norcross@colorado.edu), Duncan Purves (duncan.purves@gmail.com), 
and Ryan Jenkins (ryanjenkins@gmail.com). 

For organizational purposes, please specify in the subject line of your 
e-mail by writing the words "RoME CFC Reply." We hope to notify all 
commentators by June 25. 


Main Papers: 30 minutes or 4500 words, whichever is shorter 

Comments: 10-15 minutes 

Q&A: Remaining Time 

Session Length: 75 minutes total 

For more information and updates on RoME IV, please visit our website at 


Keynote speakers: 

Dale Jamieson (NYU) 

Cheshire Calhoun (Arizona State) 

Stephen Darwall (Yale) 

Main program (alphabetical order): 

1.  Roksana Alavi (South Texas College): “Utilitarianism, Integrity, and Moral Agency” 

2. Neera Badhwar (Oklahoma): “Happy Villains? A neo-Aristotelian Response”

3. Nick Beckstead  (Rutgers): “The Case for Focusing on Catastrophic Risk”

4. Sara Bernstein  (Duke): “A Metaphysical Puzzle About Moral Difference”

5. Gwen Bradford  (Rice): "Evil Achievements and the Principle of Recursion"

6. Mary Coleman  (Illinois Wesleyan): “Exploring Metanormative Constitutivism”

7.  William Crouch (Oxford): “How to Act Appropriately”

8. Eva Dadlez and William Andrews (Central Oklahoma): “Not Separate but not Equal: How Fetal Rights Deprive Women of Civil Rights”

9. Dale Dorsey (Kansas): “Desire-satisfaction and Welfare as Temporal”

10. Tom Dougherty  (Stanford): “Sex, Lies, and Veiled Rape”

11. Bill Dunaway (Michigan): “Practical Reasoning for Theorists about Vagueness”

12. Mylan Engel Jr (Northern Illinois): “Rethinking Free Will”

13. Benjamin Ferguson  (LSE): “Kant on Duty in the Groundwork: Causality and Motives”

14. Guy Fletcher (Oxford): “A New Objective-List Theory of Well-Being”

15. Peter Fristedt (Towson): “Normativity and the Problem of Interpretation”

16. Robyn Gaier (St. Louis): “Psychopaths and the Refutation of Internalism” 

17. Richard Galvin (Texas Christian): “The Practical Contradiction Interpretation Reconsidered”

18. David Goldman (UCLA): “Modification of the Reactive Attitudes”

19. Moti Gorin (Rice): “The Ethics of Interpersonal Manipulation”

20. Jason Hanna (Northern Illinois): “The Moral Status of Innocent Threats”

21. Jennifer Hawkins (Duke): “Well-Being: What Matters Beyond the Mental?”

22. Brian Hedden (MIT): “Options and the Subjective Ought”

23. Avram Hiller (Portland State): “A ‘Famine, Affluence, and Morality’ for Climate Change?”

24. Robert Howell (SMU): “What's Wrong with Google Morals?” 

25. Stan Husi (North Carolina, Chapel Hill): “Against Fictionalism (Again, but Different)”

26. Avery Kolers (Louisville): “Social Ontology and Territorial Rights”

27. Uri Leibowitz (Nottingham): “Particularlism and Moral Knowledge”  

28. Matthew Liao (NYU): “The Prospect of a Causal Structure Theory of Nonconsequentialism”

29. Alida Liberman (USC): “Linking Principles and Narrow Scope”

30. Hallie Liberto (Connecticut): “Noxious Markets vs. Noxious Gift Relationships”

31. Clayton Littlejohn (King’s College): “In Defense of the Doctrine of Double Effect”

32. Julia Markovits (MIT): “Saints, Heroes, Sages, and Villains”  

33. Benjamin Mitchell-Yellin (Riverside): “Self-Governance, Moral Responsibility and Weakness of Will”

34. David Morrow (Alabama, Birmingham): “Adaptive Preferences and a Theory of Desirability”  

35. Howard Nye (Alberta): “Implicit Psychology and the Badness of Death”

36. Trisha Phillips (Mississippi State): “Them’s Fighting Words: Provocation and Retaliatory Violence”

37. Matjaz Potrc and Vojko Strahovnik (Ljubljana): “Moral Reasons and Generalities”

38.  Eamon Quinn (Queen’s University): “Values in Partiality”

39. Erick Ramirez (UCSD): “Receptivity, Reactivity and the Successful Psychopath”

40. Piers Rawling and David McNaughton (Florida State): “Consequentialism, Benefits, and the Good”  

41. Christopher Rice (Fordham): “An Objectivist Critique of Nature-fulfillment Theories of Well-Being”

42. Melinda Roberts (TCNJ): “Variabilism and the Asymmetry”

43. Amanda Roth (Michigan): “Queering Reproductive Ethics”

44. Benjamin Sachs (NYU): “The Hopelessness of Carving Out a Threatening Speech Exception to Freedom of Speech”

45. Alex Silk (Michigan): “Why 'Ought' Detaches: Or, Why You Ought to Get With My Friends (If You Want to Be My Lover)"

46. Paulina Sliwa (MIT): “If You Have to Ask… A Defense of Moral Testimony”

47. Saul Smilansky (Haifa): “A Hostage Situation”

48. Marion Smiley (Brandeis): “Re-thinking Paternalism for a Democratic Welfare State”

49. Matt Smith (Yale): “Political Obligation and the Self”

50. Aaron Smuts (Rhode Island College): “In Defense of the No-Reasons View of Love”

51. Justin Snedegar and Stephen Finlay (USC): “One Ought Too Many”

52. Daniel Star (Boston U): “Practical Reasons as Evidence, Consequentialism, and Virtue”

53. Anne Schwenkenbecher (CAPPE/ANU): “Collective Duties, Climate Change, and Non-Compliance”  

54. Jim Swindler (Illinois State): “Reactive Attitudes and Collective Action”

55. Ruth Tallman (Barry U): “Keeping Up Appearances: Moral Exemplarism and the Importance of Looking Good”

56. Christina van Dyke (Calvin College): “Adaptive Antirealism and Adequate Explanations: Defusing the Darwinian Dilemma”

57. Arthur Ward (Bowling Green): “Norms of Nature and Goodness-fixing Kinds”

58. Justin Weinberg (South Carolina): “When Non-Identity Matters”

59. Jennifer Welchman (Alberta): “The Mystery of Passenger to Frankfurt, or What’s Wrong with Involuntary Benevolence?”

60. Fiona Woollard (Southampton, UK): “Have we solved the non-Identity Problem?”


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