We are pleased to announce that Antti Kauppinen has joined the roster of contributors here at PEA Soup.  Among other areas of interest, Antti works on moral psychology, metaethics, and well-being. He is a Lecturer at Trinity College Dublin and a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at University of Amsterdam. Welcome, Antti!

10 Replies to “Welcome Antti Kauppinen

  1. Tervetuloa! Tämähän on hauska yllätys. Ehkä Teemukin saataisiin vielä mukaan niin olisi koko jengi koossa.

  2. Thanks, guys! I’m a little intimidated by the level of discussions here – I’m used to blogging about stuff I don’t yet know much about, but I don’t think I can get away with that any more!
    Jussi, pitää varmaan postata kaikki kahdella kielellä tästä eteenpäin…

  3. Okay, easy on the umlauts, guys. We need those — they’re also used as colons.
    You don’t see Gunnar squandering double-dots, and he has a better excuse.

  4. Great to have you as contributor. Welcome!
    I think that we’re all a bit intimidated by the level of discussion here. Even so, I think that the blog would flourish more if we weren’t all so intimidated and were thus willing to post more half-baked ideas. I’ve certainly tried to do my part here to bring down the general quality of the discussion, but to no avail.

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