Note the new deadline and, especially, the salary:

The Center for Ethics and Public Affairs at the Murphy Institute at Tulane University has extended the application process for 2011-2012 Faculty Fellowships.  The new deadline is March 7, 2011.  These fellowships, made possible by funds from the Tulane Murphy Foundation, are available to support outstanding faculty whose teaching and research focus on ethics, political theory, political philosophy, or questions of moral choice in architecture, business, government, economics, law, or medicine. Faculty Fellows receive a salary of 60,000 USD and are eligible for Tulane faculty benefits, including health insurance.

All Fellows receive the use of a faculty office equipped with a desktop computer and hold faculty library privileges.   While fellows will participate in conferences and seminars organized by the Center, they will be expected to devote most of their time to conducting their own research.    Center Faculty Fellowships are open to all, regardless of citizenship.  Tulane University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.

Further information about the Fellowships and application forms may be obtained from the Center for Ethics and Public Affairs website or requested by contacting:

The Center for Ethics and Public Affairs
Murphy Institute
108 Tilton Hall
Tulane University, New Orleans, LA 70118
504. 862-3236 tel
504. 862.8360 fax

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