The CEU Summer University
July 4-15, 2011
Budapest, Hungary

The problem of justice occupies a special place in contemporary political philosophy. In the words of its most influential figure, Rawls, "justice is the first virtue of social institutions". That view seems to be shared by a majority of authors and theories. However, there is no comparable agreement regarding what justice demands, from whom and to whom. These questions have utmost relevance for political philosophers. However, their importance spill over other disciplines. Given that many choices policy makers make are distributive in nature, it is not surprising that issues of justice appear in many other spheres. In addition to dealing with purely theoretical issues, the course will revise some contexts which raise important questions about justice: education, health care, environmental issues, taxation.
Applications are invited from graduate students, postdocs, young faculty in Philosophy, Political Science, Public Policy, Law and Economics, familiar with Anglo-American political theory, especially with theories of justice.

Application deadline: February 15, 2011
For further academic information on the course and on eligibility criteria and funding options please visit:

Peter Vallentyne, University of Missouri-Columbia, Department of Philosophy, Columbia, USA
Andrew Williams, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Catalan Institute of Research and Advanced Studies, Barcelona, Spain
Matthew Clayton, University of Warwick, Department of Politics and International Studies, Coventry, UK
Greg Bognar, New York University, NYU Center for Bioethics, New York, USA
Janos Kis, Central European University, Department of Political Science, Budapest. Hungary
Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen, Aarhus Universitat, Institut for Statskundskab, Århus C, Denmark
Andres Moles, Central European University, Departments of Political Science and Philosophy, Budapest, Hungary
Zoltan Miklosi, Central European University, Department of Political Science, Budapest, Hungary
Additional reasons for visiting our summer school: CEU is located in the attractive urban center of Budapest — the heart of Central Europe. While immersed in history, Budapest looks to the future, it is a meeting place of people, ideas and cultures from all over the world. With its breathtaking range of architecture — from Roman ruins to Art Nouveau buildings — and a striking view of the Buda castle across the river Danube from Pest’s elegant Habsburg-era boulevards, it is a city of historic grandeur. This is a city of almost two million people, alive with art and culture and a thriving youth and avant-garde scene, mingling in an exciting “Central European experience”. Other European capitals: Prague, Vienna, Bratislava, Zagreb, Belgrade, are easily experienced in a day trip or a weekend visit. In fact, all of Europe is within easy reach.

4 Replies to “Call for Applications: Summer Institute on Justice

  1. In addition to dealing with purely theoretical issues, the course will revise some contexts which raise important questions about justice: education, health care, environmental issues, taxation.

    But not gender?

  2. I agree that it is a bad policy not to invite female speakers to such events. However, I am fairly sure that the issue of gender and justice will be discussed at the event. After all, Andrew Williams is the author of a brilliant feminist criticism of Dworkin’s resource egalitarianism (see his “Dworkin on Capability” Ethics 2002). Of course, it wouldn’t have hurt to mention this also in the description.

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