When: Thursday July 16th– Friday July 17th, 2011
Where: University of Auckland
Submission Deadline: May 1st, 2011
‘Naturalism’ is a multiply ambiguous term—hence the title Naturalisms in Ethics— but it is related to a range of questions concerning the relationship of morality to science, evolution, biology, religion, and natural properties (whatever those are). Many otherwise disparate moral theories have been labeled as ethical naturalisms, including virtue ethics (both neo-Aristotelian and neo-Humean), moral functionalism, Cornell realism, and natural law theories. Some potential paper topics include the following (but the list is hardly exhaustive):
- What are the different types of ethical naturalism?
- Why should we endorse/reject ethical naturalism or some specific version thereof?
- What can science or evolution tell us about morality, moral psychology, or the rationality of moral judgments?
- Are naturalistic accounts of morality better off than theistic ones?
Committed speakers include:
—John Hare (Yale Divinity; Seelye Charitable Trust Distinguished Fellow)
—Rosalind Hursthouse (University of Auckland)
—Mark Murphy (Georgetown University; Auckland University Distinguished Visitor)
—Charles Pigden (University of Otago)
—Neil Sinhababu (National University of Singapore)
—Erik Wielenberg (DePauw University)
Abstract Submission: The deadline is May 1st, 2011. The theme of the conference is to be interpreted very broadly, so feel free to submit an abstract even if you aren’t sure if it relates to the theme. The abstracts should be about 200-300 words. You will have 25-30 minutes for presentation and 25 minutes for questions. Submissions should be sent by email to Chris Tucker (c.tucker@auckland.ac.nz). Please use the subject line “NEC Submission.” Expect a decision within two weeks of your submission.
The 2011 Australasian Philosophy of Religion Association Conference will be held immediately following the NEC. Confirmed speakers include Trent Dougherty (Baylor University), John Hare, Mark Murphy, Charles Pigden, and Erik Wielenberg. You are welcome to submit an abstract for that conference as well. For further details, visit http://www.apra.org.au/the-apra-conference/.
The idiotic conference organizer screwed up the dates. The conference is Thurs & Friday, July 14th and 15th (not the 16th and 17th).
Idiotic Conference Organizer