As many of you have no doubt noticed, the most recent (April) issue of Ethics was published on-line last weekend.  We are pleased to announce that the article from that issue to be discussed next as part of our ongoing collaboration with Ethics will be “Moral Rationalism and Rational Amoralism,” by our own Mark van Roojen.  The discussion will kick off with a precis by Russ Shafer-Landau.  However, because Mark is going to be pretty much unavailable to contribute to the e-discussion until mid-July (he will be cabin-bound), the official discussion will not kick off until July 12.  And so we can keep Mark’s article freely available for as long as possible after discussion starts, it will not be made available (for free, anyway) until July 2.  So mark your calendars!  I will post a reminder and a link to the article on July 2.

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