Thank you all—contributors, commentators, and readers—for another great year in the Soup!   This month marks PEA Soup's fifth "birthday" on the blogosphere, and because of all of you, it was clearly the best.  Thank you!

To celebrate, we've introduced a new design theme—Lone Tree Green!—and we've added a list of our contributors' most recent books.  Most importantly, we've put together a small "2008-2009 Yearbook" to highlight some of the noteworthy events that happened this year on the Soup, and, especially, events that happened to and for some of our contributors.  If contributors or readers have any more good news to share, please feel free to add it in the comments section.  So, thank you all again, and… drum roll please…

PEA Soup's 2008-2009 Yearbook

New Contributors.  This year, twelve new contributors joined PEA Soup's roster:  Thom Brooks, Jan Dowell, Patricia Greenspan, Simon Keller, Simon Kirchin, Clayton Littlejohn, Adrienne Martin, Lionel McPherson, Jason Raibley, Neil Sinhababu, Sergio Tenenbaum, and John Turri.  Thank you all, again, for agreeing to join us here on the Soup!

Ben Bradley's new book, Well-being and Death, was published by Oxford.

Samantha Brennan was promoted to Professor at the University of Western Ontario.  As chair, her department received a $4-million donation from the Rotman family to establish the Joseph L. Rotman Institute of Science and Values, envisioned to become a global centre of excellence for the examination of significant issues in contemporary society.  Samantha also has three co-edited projects soon to be released from Broadview Press:  Philosophy and Death (with Robert Stainton); and two volumes of the Broadview Anthology of Social and Political Theory (with Will Kymlicka, Jacob Levy, Andrew Bailey).

Thom Brooks will chair the American Philosophical Association's Committee on Philosophy and Law from this summer.  In addition, Carol Gould (editor, Journal of Social Philosophy) and he (editor, Journal of Moral Philosophy) have recently become co-chairs of the relaunched Association of Philosophy Journal Editors.

Steve Finlay was granted tenure and promotion to Associate Professor, and was the recipient of a Charles A. Ryskamp Research Fellowship from the Mellon Foundation/ACLS.

Simon Keller begins his new position this July as Associate Professor of Philosophy at Victoria University of Wellington.

Clayton Littlejohn begins his new position this August as Assistant Professor at the University of Texas at San Antonio.

Dave Shoemaker begins his new, joint position this Fall at Tulane University's Department of Philosophy and Murphy Institute.

8 Replies to “Happy Fifth Birthday!

  1. Congratulations to all!
    I thought I had the wrong URL this morning when the new theme popped up. Looks slick, though; nicely done.

  2. Pat Greenspan’s forthcoming paper, “Resting Content: Sensible Satisficing?,” which is soon to be published in the special APQ issue on rationality, was influenced by one of Doug’s posts. Congratulations, Pat!
    This reminds me that it would be great to hear about other papers published this year (or forthcoming) that have been influenced by discussions here in PEA Soup. Any others?

  3. Love the new look, but the lone tree does look a bit bare–neither green nor bearing fruit. But that, no doubt, is cunningly meant to symbolize that all the of the many fruitful and lush ideas presented on pea soup get instantly snapped up and made use of, and are not left on the web to rot.

  4. Congrats all, and thanks for keeping us thematically and philosophically stimulated!
    The bare, lone tree must be a clever dog-whistle: evoking several of the monkish virtues, is it not a warning to be on the lookout for any “hare-brained enthusiasts” who may lurk under it?
    Note to Dan: the global recent comments feed seems to have died. Can it be resurrected? If it’s not simple to do that I’ve found a new way to set these feeds up via an external site, and will do that and provide you a link to post if you like.

  5. Simon,
    Yes, the global comments feed had to go, as you suggested, for technical reasons. But, please, if you know of a good way to set up such a feed, please send me the info or post it here. I, and I’m sure others, would really appreciate it.

  6. Here’s a new comments feed link:
    This feed is the list of recent comments and links copied from the front page of Pea Soup. The only thing I can’t figure out how to do is get the content of the comments to show up in the content of the feed, as in the old comments feed. If anyone wants to have a go at improving this, please send me a note by email.

  7. Thanks so much, Simon. I’ll have a further look sometime over the next day or two.

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