This petition, available at, asks President-Elect Obama to:

1. Revive and enforce the Labor Department regulations that require government contractors to institute affirmative action plans that provide a share of the jobs for women and minorities. Closely monitor the contractors for compliance.

2. In connection with the infrastructure projects, institute apprenticeships, and ensure that at least one third of the positions go to women.

3. Add projects in health, child care, education, social service that will both provide jobs to women, and also provide needed services to them.

Please consider signing!

One Reply to “Equity in New Job Programs”

  1. Yo, it’s me, Harriet Baber at the University of San Diego, and this is my first post. I somehow got picked up by my internet handle, LogicGuru–which I richly deserve given my teaching schedule.
    This petition was initiated on Femecon, the feminist economists’ list. Please consider signing–and passing it on. Or (inclusive of course) discussing!

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