We are pleased to announce that Patricia Greenspan has accepted our invitation to become a contributor here at PEA Soup. She is Professor of Philosophy at the University of Maryland, College Park, and works primarily in the areas of ethics and philosophy of mind. “She is the author of two books on the role of emotions in rational and moral motivation and several articles on emotions, rationality, metaethics, and free will. She has held research fellowships from the National Endowment for the Humanities (1983-84), the National Humanities Center (1990-91), and Australian National University (Summer 1995). In 1991 she was elected to membership in the International Society for Research on Emotions. She has also served on the Executive Council of the Association for the Advancement of Philosophy and Psychiatry. Her current work concerns issues of metaethics, practical reasoning, and responsibility.” (This quotation is from here).
Below this one is a post on Bird-in-Hand Satisficing, a view that Pat Greenspan first introduced me to.

4 Replies to “Welcome, Patricia Greenspan!

  1. Doug and Dan — Many thanks for the welcome! I’m glad to be involved in Pea Soup. In immediate terms, I’m particularly looking forward to the post that follows, as I begin to revise a paper on nonmoral aspects of the “bird-in-hand” idea.

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