David Lieberman sends along a call for papers for the International Society for Utilitarian Studies…

The Tenth Conference of the
International Society for Utilitarian Studies will be held on 11-14 September
2008, at the University of California, Berkeley (Berkeley, California, U.S.A.). The meeting is co-hosted by the U.C. Berkeley
School of Law and its Kadish Center for Morality, Law
and Public Affairs.

The conference seeks paper and
panel proposals concerning the study of utilitarianism and the utilitarian tradition
broadly conceived. This includes
scholarship (both positive and critical) on contemporary utilitarianism and
consequentialism, as well as more wide-ranging scholarship concerning figures
within the utilitarian canon and the leading social and political issues – such
as democracy, law reform, political economy, welfare and equality, colonization and international law – which
have figured centrally in the utilitarian tradition.

Scholars representing all
disciplines in the humanities and social sciences are encouraged to
participate. Past ISUS meetings have included
faculty and graduate students in philosophy, political science, law, economics,
history and literature. Conference
highlights will include distinguished plenary lectures and panels, as well as monetary
prizes awarded to the best graduate student papers presented at the meeting. Papers from younger faculty and advanced
graduate students are encouraged.

The conference welcomes proposals
for individual papers and encourages proposals for panels of 2-3 papers or
round-table discussions linked to a common theme. All proposals should include a 200-word
abstract for each paper and a 1-page C.V. for each participant, including
current contact information and email address. Proposals for panels of papers and round tables also should include a
brief précis of the panel topic as a whole. Please place the proposal and C.V.
in electronic format and submit as an email attachment to: ISUS@

The deadline for application is February 18,
Notification of conference
participation will be made by the end of March 2008. Additional information concerning the
conference program and travel information is available at http://www.law.berkeley.edu/centers/kadish/isus/. Please send any inquiries concerning the
conference or call for papers to: ISUS@ law.berkeley.edu.

The University of California, Berkeley,
is located in the beautiful San Francisco Bay area of northern California,
and provides easy access to San Francisco and other regional attractions. The conference convener is David Lieberman (dlieberman@law.berkeley.edu). Those unable to submit proposals
electronically should mail their proposals to: Professor David Lieberman; School of Law;
U.C. Berkeley; Berkeley, CA 94720-7200; U.S.A.

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