A shameless plug/invitation: I’ve created a new blog on the teaching of philosophy, In Socrates’ Wake. Please come visit, offer comments, etc. I’d also be interested if anyone would like to join up as a contributor. Thanks!

4 Replies to “New teaching blog

  1. Michael
    The site looks great. I’d be keen on joining up, as a contributor, I was a member of the ill fated Metanome, which I think was somewhat before it’s time. I’ve had a long standing interest in the best practice in teaching of philosophy and bioethics. I’m particularly interested in community outreach through programs like the philosophy in schools endeavour. I’m happy to say I have managed to get a grant from the Wellcome trust here in Northern Ireland to try an experimental science/philosophy outreach program using a combination of (bioethics focused) philosophy for children and online teaching. So pick me pick me!
    I’ve also added your blog to the Motherlode.
    David Hunter

  2. Michael, great idea. Good luck. I look forward to reading (and learning from) the blog.

  3. Hi Michael,
    I was also a member (co-founder!) of the ill-fated Metanome, if you recall. I’d also be interested in joining up, if you’d like to have me. My particular interest lately has been in pedagogy using technology and on teaching virtue ethics with Confucius, both of which I’ve recently published on. So I could surely make some posts on those!

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