Via Simon Kirchin:

A reminder of a previous call for papers.

2008 sees the 10th anniversary of the journal "Ethical Theory and Moral Practice".  In celebration, the journal is organizing a major international conference, to be held in Amsterdam, 19th-20th March 2008.  The general conference theme is the title of the journal itself:  How do ethical theory and moral practice relate?

Details below the fold…

There is a conference website here:  

More details have been added recently, including a draft timetable.  Items of specific interest include: (a) the various sub-themes of the conference; (b) the deadline for conference submissions (abstracts by 1st Oct 2007); and (c) a prize essay competition for young scholars.  More details are on the website.

There are also contact details on the website for any further queries.

With best wishes,

3 Replies to “CFP: ETMP 10th Anniversary Conference

  1. Help me: I have sent a proposal for a presentation at the Conference Amsterdam 2008, but I get no response!

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