The following is an announcement from Russ Shafer-Landau:

Dear Colleague,

I’m pleased to announce a call for abstracts for the Fourth Annual
Metaethics Workshop, to be held at the University of Wisconsin,
Madison, on September 7-9, 2007.  Gilbert Harman (Princeton) and
Nicholas Sturgeon (Cornell) will be the keynote speakers. Abstracts (of
2-3 double-spaced pages) of papers in any area of metaethics are due by
MAY 1. There is a limit of one submission per person. Speakers in the
2005 or 2006 workshop are not eligible to submit abstracts for this
year’s event. A program committee will evaluate submissions and make
decisions by early June.

Information on submitting an abstract, plus much other relevant
information about the workshop, can be obtained at the workshop

All questions about the workshop may be directed to me. Please see the contact information below.

I would greatly appreciate your forwarding this email to
colleagues and/or graduate students in your department, and to any
other philosophers you believe might be interested in participating in
the workshop.

Thanks very much, and hope to see you in Madison this autumn.

All good wishes,

Russ Shafer-Landau   

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