As Brian Leiter reports, Robert Solomon passed away suddenly on January 2nd.  Solomon’s philosophical interests were jaw-droppingly broad, even within ethics alone–virtue ethics (Aristotle’s and Nietzsche’s versions), business ethics, emotions, existentialism, happiness.  But his interests were all motivated, from what I could tell, by a desire to understand a life well-lived.  Hence, his more than forty books and one hundred fifty articles include The Passions: Emotions and the Meaning of Life (Doubleday, 1976), Ethics and  Excellence (Oxford, 1992), Spirituality for the Skeptic: The Thoughtful Love of Life (Oxford, 2002), The Philosophy of (Erotic) Love (with Kathleen Higgens, University Press of Kansas, 1991), and The Joy of Philosophy (Oxford, 1999).  I still use Robert’s Introducing Philosophy: A Text with Integrated Readings (8th Ed., Oxford, 2005) in my intro courses, since his text is, in parts, inspirational even to me.  Keep an eye on Leiter Reports for a link to a memorial.  Leiter also links to an episode of "Philosophy Talk", in which Solomon discusses happiness.

2 Replies to “Robert Solomon (1942-2007)

  1. Hi all,
    I hope this goes through. I was trying to reach Dave Shoemaker, as I just recently (like tonight) learned of Robert “Bob” Solomon’s passing. I’ve been away from philosophy for too long– and am devastated to learn of Bob’s passing. His work is something that has kept my love of philosophy of alive.
    Dave, I cannot locate an email for you. I hope you see this.
    Melanie teller
    Northridge, CA

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