Russ Shafer-Landau has passed along the following announcement about the upcoming 3rd Annual Metaethics Workshop.
Dear Colleagues,
I’m pleased to announce that the program for the 3rd Annual Metaethics Workshop has been finalized. I am attaching a copy of it here. It should be posted to the workshop website shortly:
Those who are interested in attending the festivities (Sept. 15-17, 2006) here in Madison should consider making hotel reservations fairly soon, and in no case later than August 14th. Complete lodging information is also available at the website.
Registration for the workshop is free. Please just send me an email indicating your intention to attend, and I will include you in periodic updates as new details of the workshop become available.
The papers to be delivered at the workshop should appear on the website shortly after August 15th. They will be accessible to all, whether you are attending the workshop or not.
A new feature of this year’s workshop: many publishers (including, at this point, Oxford, Cambridge, Princeton, Harvard and Blackwell) will be sending copies of their new and recently published books in ethical theory. We’ll have a prominent display throughout the weekend, so that those who are interested can easily catch up on the new titles being offered in our field.
I hope to see you in Madison this fall!
All the best,
Good program. Book the hotel.
Dan (or somebody), can you make Russ’s URL a link in the blog entry?
Hm, the program isn’t actually posted at the site yet. Can PEA Soup post it? I mean: would you please?
Sorry about that. I’ve linked to the program, which has been posted on UW-Madison Philosophy’s jazzy new web site. And, yes, book the hotel.