This hiring season has been a busy one for several of our contributing PEA Brains, with four of them moving to new universities, all of which have Ph.D. programs. In alphabetical order . . . .
Campbell Brown (grad work done at the Australian National University), currently a visiting assistant professor (VAP) at Bowling Green State University (where I myself live and breathe) is “moving” to a tenure-track assistant professor position there. Campbell’s specialties include ethics, political philosophy, and social choice theory.
Josh Glasgow (University of Memphis), currently a VAP at Occidental College, has accepted an offer from Victoria University of Wellington (New Zealand) to become a tenure-track assistant professor there. Josh’s specialties include ethics (Kant, deontology) and philosophy of race, among others.
Doug Portmore (UC Santa Barbara) currently an assistant professor at Cal State Northridge (my old stomping grounds), has accepted an offer from Arizona State University to become a tenure-track assistant professor there. Doug’s specialties are in several branches of ethics (including consequentialism, welfare/value theory, death/dying).
Kyle Swan (Bowling Green State University), currently an assistant professor at U. Minnesota Duluth, is taking a position on the faculty at the National University of Singapore. Kyle’s specialties include ethics, applied ethics, and political philosophy.
And of course our newest member, Chris Heathwood, is starting up this fall at University of Colorado, Boulder.
Congratulations to everyone! We now expect your posts to be much, much better than they have been.
Congrats to all!
I just want to second Shoemaker’s point that with all this movin’ on up amongst you, we expect much better posts out of you all. But people like Shoemaker and myself, who are staying put, should be expected to continue spouting our ordinary drivel.