All are invited to attend the tenth annual Cal Poly Ethics Conference, to be held May 5-6. (Yours truly is an organizer).  The topic is Ethics in War and Wartime, and we have quite a lineup planned. The schedule of papers:

9:45      Larry May, Washington University/St. Louis
                "Human Treatment, Poisoned Arrows and Weapons of Mass Destruction"

11:15    Deen Chatterhee, University of Utah
                "Taking Human Rights Seriously: War and the Liberal’s Dilemma"

2:30    Oliver Boyd-Barrettt, Cal Poly Pomona
                "On the (Near) Impossibility of an Ethical War Journalism"



9:30    Nancy Sherman, Georgetown University
                "Stoic Warriors"

1:30    Angelo Corlett, San Diego State University
            "Was 9/11 Morally Justified?"

(E-mail me, mjcholbi at csupomona dot edu for more information.)

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