Shoemaker and I have had a ton of fun running PEA Soup over the past 9 years. It was founded in 2004 and Shoe has been at the helm that whole time. (Wow, how old is he? Never mind, that isn’t important now.) At its best Soup provides an outlet for serious philosophy without taking itself too seriously, and a place where debate and disagreement over important matters take place without the hostility one finds too frequently on the internet.

Shoe and I are now ready to pass Soup on to the next philosophers who will take it to the next level. Soup is in a good place and poised for greatness. It is now stably housed in the comfy environs of Princeton’s University Center for Human Values and has partnerships with most of the most prominent journals in ethics and political philosophy. It is one of the oldest, well-known, and least hostile ethics blogs in philosophy. We seek people to take it over and realize its full potential.

If you would like to run PEA Soup please send Shoe and me an e-mail by August 10th  ( and saying so and spend a paragraph or two explaining your vision for improving it. Also, please mention related experience you have had that has prepared you for running Soup well.

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