From Russ Shafer-Landau:

I’m pleased to announce a call for abstracts for the 16th Annual Madison Metaethics Workshop, taking place on September 17th-19th, 2021. At this point we are hopeful that the pandemic will have abated sufficiently to enable the workshop to occur in 3D at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Abstracts (of 3 double-spaced pages, with an additional page for references) of papers in any area of metaethics are welcome and due by May 1. There is a limit of one submission per person. Speakers at the 2019 or 2020 workshop are not eligible to submit abstracts for this year’s event. A program committee will evaluate submissions and make decisions by early June.
Information on submitting an abstract, plus much other relevant information about the workshop, can be obtained at the workshop website:
All questions about the workshop may be directed to me. I would greatly appreciate your forwarding this email to colleagues and/or graduate students in your department, and to any other philosophers you believe might be interested in participating in the workshop.
And for grad students and those within 15 years of having received your PhD: you are invited to submit a full paper (not an abstract) for the Marc Sanders Prize in Metaethics, which comes with a $5,000 prize and an automatic spot on the MadMeta program. Submissions are due via email to me by March 1. More information is available at: Those submitting to the Sanders Prize are also eligible to submit to MadMeta, but MadMeta reviewers assess only 3pp abstracts, not entire papers, so you will need to prepare a separate abstract to be considered for the MadMeta program. You are welcome to submit an abstract of the same paper you submit for the Sanders Prize, or an abstract for a different paper.
Thanks very much, and hope to see you in Madison this autumn.

2 Replies to “Mad Meta 16: CfA

  1. Me too. It didn’t transfer well from my email and I wasn’t going to retype it. So perhaps you’ll have to sit this one out, Jamie, and let the young whippersnappers who can read it take over.

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