Call for papers for Special Issue on Morality in Addiction, with Guest Editors: Roy Baumeister, Gideon Yaffe and Amber Nadal

Abstract: For this special issue of Addictive Behaviors, we are seeking papers addressing theoretical, basic, or applied research on topics at the intersection of morality and addiction. Submissions may include empirical research, literature reviews, or conceptual articles. Contributions which address both morality and addiction from any discipline are welcome (psychology, philosophy, economics, social work, criminology, legal studies, anthropology, animal studies, etc.). Some preference will be given to articles which make important conceptual contributions, or which provide evidence-based applications for practitioners and policymakers.

Articles might address questions such as the following (submissions would not be limited to these):

  • Does addiction reduce the addict’s responsibility for drug-taking or for problematic acts performed in order to take drugs?
  • How do ethical issues compare between substance and behavioral addictions (e.g. online gaming)?
  • What do sentencing patterns for drug-related crimes indicate about judgments of addicts?
  • How do moral judgments impact public policy and the implementation of evidence-based practices (e.g. public provision of clean injection needles)?
  • How do moral judgments of addictions impact public health?
  • How and why do moral judgments of addictions vary cross-culturally or throughout time (e.g. opiate use considered normal in Victorian era but stigmatized today)?
  • Moral and practical implications of the Brain Disease Model.

There are no definite length guidelines. We will favor shorter manuscripts, though longer ones will be considered if the contribution warrants it.

The special issue article type will be open to submissions on 1st September 2020. The deadline for submissions is 20th October 2020. All submissions must adhere to journal guidelines and will undergo peer review. Accepted papers will be published online individually prior to print publication. To be considered for this special issue, the authors must select VSI: Addiction and Morality” as the article type from the drop-down menu.

Please ensure you read the Guide for Authors before writing your manuscript. The Guide for Authors and link to submit your manuscript is available on the Journal’s homepage at:

Prior to submitting a manuscript, the authors are encouraged to submit a brief letter of intent including an abstract of the planned manuscript to Guest Editor Dr. Amber Nadal ( to ensure that the topic fits within the scope of this special issue.

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