Happy New Year!

I am happy to share the planned Spring/Summer line up of Featured Philosophers you can look forward to on PEA Soup.  One goal is for the series to reflect diverse people and topics and this list includes people working on (at least!) history, political philosophy, normative ethics, meta-ethics, criticial race theory, and at the intersection of ethics and epistemology. If you have any suggestions for future additions to the series, please don't hesitate to email me at bradcokelet [at] gmail [dot] com


Jan 15ish  Terence Cuneo (U Vermont)

Feb 16      Charles Mills (Northwestern)

Mar 15      TBA

Apr 5        Steve Darwall (Yale)

Apr 27      Robert Johnson (U Missouri)

May 15      Miranda Fricker (Sheffield)

June 15     Stephen Macedo (Princeton)

July 5       John Deigh (U Texas)

July 30     Kyla Ebbels-Duggan (Northwestern)

Aug 15      Pamela Hieronymi (UCLA)

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